These are the general predictions for all for the month of November'06. To calculate your personal number add your birthday digits to bring it to single number i.e. if you are born on 24th of any month your number will be 2+4 = 6
The details based on your personal number are given below :
1- You may have quarrels with close ones, try to clear misunderstandings. Do not force anything on others. It is better to take maximum possible rest. You may be emotionally disrubed.
2- This is a month of friendship and socializing. Meeting some old friends & creating new friends is indiacted. Good period for the people in the field of arts. Avoid overspending & save energy.
3- Although you may be feeling low this month, fortune may change suddenly. If you are able to withstand the pressure you will be able to carry out your plans for future gains.
4- Try to control your words as this may lead to misunderstanding & quarrel. You may see lot of changes & anything you do will not last long. You may be disappointed in love. You may lose some close person.
5- Good time for socializing, marriage & love. The prorities will circulate around home & family. Do not be selfish & try to compromise on issues.
6- The beginning of the month is not good & you should not start anything new during this period. In the later part of the month things will change & you may have unexpected financial gain. Try to relax.
7- This month is centered around business & finances. You may gain through some investment. Good month for money however do not forget the spiritual part of yours.
8- This is not an easy period as you may face lot of negative changes & may have to take lot of decisions. You may suffer personal loss or theft. Do some charity & visit religious place.
9 – You will get lot of opportunities so try to avail it maximum. Be adaptable to changes & you will gain a lot. This is a month of action & possibilities of travel is indicated.